"Pop Gun: Jeff can equip this weapon. Fires hypercharged soda bottles at the enemy. What did you think it did? Fire… dads?" -Toby "Don't call me Radiation" "Radiation" Fox

Dark Zone


This level is absolutely awful.

For those of you who don't know (which is probably everyone here,) the Dark Zone is a level in Brandish 1, later remade entirely in The Dark Revenant. It is the absolute bane of my existence. It consists of only two floors, so it shouldn't be too bad, right? WRONG. The first floor is full of undetectable pit traps, which normally would be fine. You just use the examine button, and avoid sketchy floors. Except that the entire area is full of magical projectile flinging jellyfish. Magic attacks deal a great deal more damage, as magical resistance is a stat that seldom has a chance to naturally build up, outside of deliberately and repeatedly getting hit by attack spells. The second floor is full of pit traps as well, except they're WORSE, since if you even fall into a single one, you end up back on the first floor again, fighting a ton of magic jellyfish.
I still haven't completed this area.
Don't get me wrong, I love this series (if my site was any indication,) but this level can go to hell.

So Who the Hell am I Anyway?

I'm just a guy. That's about all there is to say on the matter. But since you decided to come to this page, I bet you're looking for a bit more than that, huh?

I am a novice programmer, musician, artist, and game designer, if I can call myself any of those things, haha. I love music, and tech, and '90s culture. My favourite aesthetics fit in with more spooky, dark stuff, but also the glitzy Vegas vibe as well. I feel that atmosphere is very important in any creative work, so I strive to achieve the right vibe for whatever scene I'm trying to convey, be it through visuals, music, and the like. You can check out some of my art on it's own page (check the navbar), but I'm not sharing my music yet, though you could probably find some of it if you just looked me up on the Internet. For now, my page uses music from Lunaxis' UNDERTALE: Halloween Hack. This page is a bit of a passion project of mine, and I'm glad that someone other than me has probably seen it at some point. I'll post some humourous anecdotes here in the future, as well as ideas, or cool games that I recommend!

Anyways, that's all from me for now. See you soon!