"Heirloom Fry Pan: An old frying pan wielded by Paula at one point. Just holding it makes you shake with powerful memories." -Toby "Don't call me Radiation" "Radiation" Fox

The Archive

Preserving the Past.

This is where I'll post my various findings on the Earthbound Halloween Hack. It's important to me that this info isn't lost to time, so I'll be updating this frequently.

The Halloween Hack Website

Radiation made a website about the Halloween Hack, and it was hosted online for a while. Unfortunately, he has taken it down, and it is exceedingly hard to find an archive of it. It was even excluded from the Wayback Machine! I managed to get it in PDF form, so sorry for the poor quality, but it's the content that matters. He talks about the process of creating the Hack, and specifics about EarthBound ROM Hacking. IMPORTANT UPDATE: Turns out it WAS archived after all! Here's the original site in all of it's original glory! You can click here to view it!

Cool, huh?

The Making Of HTML File and Included Contents

Radiation made a full HTML file containing the development history of the Halloween Hack, including his commentary on the original soundtrack. He talks a lot about Brandish here, too, so I'm happy. Click here to view The Making Of HTML File

In addition to that, a README and a strategy guide were also packaged with the game when it first released!

Click here to view the README!
Click here to view the Strategy Guide!

Unused Enemies and Trailer Info

Here are some images, including a Starmen.net forum post by Toby (Radiation) regarding the supposed trailer for the halloween hack (which as of right now is lost media,) and some early unused design sketches by Toby of enemies for the hack. These were contributed by Daniel Movie Productions, and lolmeowaj! Thanks so much for your contribution!

Content Warning for every file on this page: Mild Profanity