Welcome to the Underground Domain of Litningman06
Unlock the Underworld.
Hiya! I'm Litningman06, and welcome to my website! I enjoy stuff like playing video games, computers, drawing, composing music with JummBox (though now I use Ultrabox), and writing! Unfortunately, AWLEFN is cancelled, but a new project is on the horizon! Cause and Effect, a story of a wandering mercenary tasked with finding a missing child who hold the fate of the entire universe in her hands. You can check it out here.
I'm a bass player, and I consider myself pretty decent at the instrument. I also used to play the drums, but I definitely like bass more. It's really fun once you get how to play faster or more complicated songs.
My Obscure Interests
The Brandish Series
I'm a huge fan of pretty much anything from the 1990s, especially music and video games. I am especially a big fan of Falcom's Brandish series. It's a series of dungeon crawlers that incororates a mechanic in which the map revolves around the player character. The plot of the first game revolves around a sorceress named Dela Delon (or Alexis, if you're playing the US localization,) attempting to take her revenge on a bounty hunter named Ares (or Varik, US localization,) who killed her master. Her magic spell misfires, and they both fall into a massive chasm to a world beneath the earth. Your job, as Ares, is to stay one step ahead of Dela, and make your way back to the surface.
I am incredibly grateful to the individuals who took the time to translate the second Super Famicom game into English. Judging by what I've played of it, it seems like they did a fantastic job. All of the characters seem like themselves, and there are no strange translation choices.
The latest entry in the series is "The Dark Revenant," which is a complete remake of the first game. The Dark Revenant came out for the PSP in Japan in 2009, and the rest of the world in 2015. It is notable in that its localization is a lot closer to the original Japanese script, rather than the US localization of the original. Characters like Dela Delon and Ares Toraernos retain their original names. The game makes use of the PSP hardware by allowing quick-select use of items by using the analog stick. Beyond that, the gameplay is more polished, but stays faithful to the original.

Radiation's Halloween Hack
This dusty, early 2000s ROM Hack of Earthbound is the reason that I decided to make a game in the first place. There are so many clever details that most people missed while playing this, and so I decided I wanted to learn as much as possible about it, and appreciate it for what it is. This ROM Hack was created and released by Toby "Radiation" Fox in the year 2009. It features much darker themes that Earthbound did, and features the protagonist from the Brandish series, Ares Toraernos (known as Varik over here in the west.) I've poked a bit through the ROM and found a lot of unused content. For example, the marquee that is scrolling along the top of this page is the item description for the Silver Watch, an item that was supposed to appear in the second dungeon of Magicant, but is left unused due to a programming error. There are other things that I've found too, such as the Lucid Pendant, or the Heirloom Fry Pan, as well. I may document my findings in the future.
I've got a bit of an interest in typography. The main font for this website is my original creation. It is the font that is used in my game, Cause and Effect.
I hope you enjoy your time here, and find some inspiration, and from here on out... Play It Loud!

Getting ready for the holiday season!
Just a couple tweaks to the main page. Nothing too interesting.
I added a new site button to the Gift Shop! It's designed after the UI of Brandish: The Dark Revenant!
Rushing this entry because I have to get to class in like five minutes, but I added the About section. Bye!
Today, I put together the Halloween Hack Archive, a page dedicated to preserving and bringing attention to different aspects of the EarthBound Halloween Hack! Currently, the page contains all of the materials that were packaged in with the Halloween Hack on it's release, include the "The Making Of" HTML file, which is fully viewable in it's original glory here on my site, as well as the original README, and the Strategy Guide that were included in the game's .zip folder! That's all for now!
Hey Nintendo, the '90s called, they want their 'Play It Loud' ad campaign back. I added a few more Brandish images (can't get enough,) and the lovably obnoxious Nintendo ad campaign.
Lmao this site has essentially become a Brandish fanpage. Well, if you love something, you gotta make a personal website so you can gush about it! In other news, I got more stuff done, but I forgot to update it here. Sorry! The Art Gallery page is now up, and there's some stuff there. I found some graphics rips from the Dark Revenant online, so I might use those as page elements in the future. Who knows?
First college class today. Also, the gift shop is now open for business. You can find the link in the navbar at the top of this page. There isn't much there right now, but I'll add more in the future.
Another update. I've got some badges and blinkies on the page now, and I'll be adding more as I find some I like. :P
I got some more page content now. Some of the side links are working, and I still haven't figured out what to put in the side box. Maybe EBHH Archive findings?
This is the first update. I did the thing, where I make the website. Thrilling stuff, I know.